Fish fish fish
Kami MaltzSeptember 07, 201900:00:54

Fish fish fish

"Now there’s so much plastic I can’t swim no more" said one fish to the other.
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Although some of my upcoming 'musical stream of thoughts' songs are not appropriate for kids, I think this one definitely is.
I've been singing "fish fish" to myself for the entire summer, and a few weeks ago, when I finally had the time to record the song, the climate change part just poured out of me.
I feel like I desperately need to take action on this matter, and maybe this is how it begins for me - by writing songs about it and spreading the word. To kids, to adults, to anyone who cares enough to listen and act on it.

New EP “Perfectly the Same” available now on all platforms:

Follow Kami Maltz:
Instagram: @kamimaltz
fish, fish song, kids music, climate change, fish in the ocean, plastic, ocean, funny, funny song, dance moves, songs for kids, fish song for kids, fish fish fish, swimming in the water, fish swimming in the water, educating kids, songs for kids climate change, kids and climate change, theocean, songs about climate change, plastic in the ocean,